Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Tips About Hair Rebonding

Does anybody heard of hair rebonding? Is this like hair stretching? Is it gentle on hair? i have a very sensitive scalp that when i switch shampoos and stuff, i get lots of falling hairs.

Hair Rebonding is a hair relaxing system that is very expensive but effectual. Thinking about getting it if you got the money.

My friend Jiessie had her hair rebonding done?the hair is soft, super straight, shiny and fabulous. It was so nice that when she moves, her hair looks like black satin. It is expensive, her shoulder lenght hair cost her around 150USD! I'm afraid how much the longer length hair would cost. But if the result will be as good as hers, I think it will be worth it.

How long does it last? how about maintenance?

By simply asking the hair stylist how a hair rebonding service is done, it takes at LEAST 4 hours to complete. It's a little longer than other hair straightning system. The prices for the hair rebonding treatment differs because of the type of chemicals that they used, the location of the salon, and the experienced of the stylist. You can go form anywhere from RM 150 to 1000 for shoulder length hair.

Like any other process, the hair rebonding treatment was supposed to last until your hair grows back. But most people say that this is the best treatment because they used lots of protein treatment on the hair and they used heat from the hair straightener to straigten the hair. So its like a 2 in 1 hair straightening treatment, by chemical and physical force.

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November 12, 2009
By Endy
Write articles for several Hair dryers, Hair Straightener and Hairstyle sites for years. The webmaster of

Hair Rebonding

1 comment:

  1. I'm always have hair rebonding problem, a part reason is my latest cell phone case sometimes leads to static electricity with my hair.
